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Student Safety

academic quad buildings

At Branson we take student safety and well-being seriously.

Protecting the safety, health, and well-being of our students is, and always will be, our primary concern each and every day. In the last few years, Branson's release of the Covington Report 在过去的几十年里,校友们对校园性行为不端的指控的回应,让人们更加关注保护学生免受性侵犯和性行为不端侵害的必要性.

We have responded by strengthening our policies, protocols, support systems, 并进行培训,以确保此类不当行为今后不会在校园里发生. On this page, 你可以了解更多十大网赌平台推荐保护和支持在校学生和校友的方式.

Our Commitment to Awareness, Prevention, and Healing

Covington Report

In June 2018, 三名上世纪70年代的校友报告称,她们在十大网赌平台推荐就读期间曾遭到该校一名前雇员的性侵犯. 学校管理部门立即以不愿透露姓名的方式向当地执法机构报告了其中两起涉嫌事件. 第三位女校友直接向警方报告了十大网赌平台推荐前员工遭受的性侵犯, and Branson followed up with a report.

十大网赌平台推荐董事会从科文顿律师事务所聘请了两名律师 & Burling LLP将对这些报告进行彻底和独立的调查, as well as subsequent abuse claims, and provided them full access to Branson's files, records, and personnel.

The Covington Report,于2019年4月出版并公开发布,详细介绍了这项调查的结果. Read the report here.

Reporting Sexual Misconduct at Branson

We respectfully encourage anyone who is experiencing, has experienced, or is aware of, 任何教职员工或学生在十大网赌平台推荐工作期间的性行为不当 contact Michelle Jones, Branson's Director of Human Resources, at or 415-455-7126.

任何举报人的身份都将按照举报人的意愿予以保密, 在未经记者同意的情况下,这些信息不会被分享——除非法律规定或在其他地方, in counsel's judgment, a report should be made to protect a minor from harm.

Resources at Branson

For further information about any of the content on this page, or to report an incident at Branson, please contact:


Local and national resources for survivors of sexual abuse or assault

Local Resources

National Resources

  • Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN):
  • National Sexual Assault Hotline: 800-656-4673
  • National Sexual Violence Resource Center:
  • Information on male sexual abuse: